Number 36: Chirashi Sushi


(Chirashi sushi with seasoned rice, egg, nori, smoked salmon, home-pickled daikon, and avocado slices)

A light and refreshing bento for spring for this week’s post. Can you tell that I have been looking at a lot of patterns, visual or historical, these days?

I am just attracted to patterns in general, which may explain my love for minä perhonen and photos of things arranged closely together.

(Source: left, right)

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When you are too lazy to cook too many things, there is always chirashi sushi (“scattered sushi”). The only things that required cooking in this was the sushi rice (obviously) and the egg. Sushi rice was prepared the usual way: vinegar, salt, and vigorous fanning. I think salt, especially sea salt, does a much better job in bringing out the natural sweetness of rice than regular sugar.

Chirashi sushi usually features assorted fresh, often raw, seafood. To avoid food poisoning, I used smoked salmon instead. A few drops of lemon juice were added to the avocado slices to prevent browning.

With hindsight, I should have added some toasted white sesame seeds too for their fragrance and colour.


  1. namahottie

    Great idea!! i never have heard or seen of this. I’m going to try this.

  2. skie

    wow. :) that really does look good for spring – good job! i shall try this sometime. ah yes, i love minä perhonen too. their fashion and patterns are simply gorgeous.

  3. namahottie & skie: Thank you! I hope you’ll like chirashizushi.

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